Bydel Alna has more than1700 employees and many are through their job where they provide services for citizen in contact with families. Part of the job is to help families take care, when ekstra care is needed. Therefore it is very important that all employees are able to recognize when ekstra care is needed. It can be challenging to confront a family with ones concern and therefore is it important to have good directions on how to behave professionally. In order to make it easy for everyone to understand and get support quickly when one find oneself in a situation where guidance is needed, we developed a flowchart on how to act and who to contact. 
Even though it might look simple at a first glance, a lot of work was put into this, engaging alle leaders working with services for children. This made sure that all actors were invested and could feel some level of ownership in the flowchart. Even more importantly it qualified the work. 
After thorough work and advice from more than 50 leaders, the flowchart was tested on employees to make sure that the language was clear and that the way of presenting the information resonated with users. 

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